
M&A Advisory for Middle Market Business Owners

Competitor Buyout

A manufacturing company was unable to effectively compete in the marketplace. Due to the capital intensive nature and unique expertise needed in the industry, competitors were the only potential buyers to consider. Our focus was to help potential buyers recognize the underutilized assets in the company.


After successfully marketing the intangible assets in the company, a large public company became interested in making a strong offer for the privately-owned manufacturing firm. However, since the two companies had vastly different cultures, mentalities, expectations, and key personalities, there were problems.


VERCOR’s broad experience with many types of companies enabled them to successfully reach agreement in the areas of conflict while insulating the seller from the time-consuming process and roller coaster ride of negotiations. The seller was able to stay focused on maintaining day to day business operations, keeping the value of the company high during the protracted negotiation process. As a result, the sale was closed allowing the owner to convert under performing assets into growth capital for future endeavours.