
M&A Advisory for Middle Market Business Owners

What is My Company Worth

Having consulted with private business owners across the country, it is safe to say less than 10% have evaluated the worth of their company for long-term planning purposes. Volumes of books explain how to assess a business, but many owners do not have the time or inclination to pour over the necessary documents. Knowledge of business valuation methodology is important, but equally significant is current information on the price and terms of current transactions and existing marketplace conditions.

What is My Company Worth

Extensive research will help an owner gain an appreciation for the current market conditions. However, to get a complete picture of your business worth, it is helpful to gain real time information on recent business sale transactions.

VERCOR advisors have collectively owned more than 20 businesses and facilitated more than 1 Billion in transactions. Our mergers and acquisitions advisors determine business value for a full range of companies on a regular basis. We would be happy to provide feedback on the market value of your company based on our proprietary V-number grading system.

For a complimentary Market Value Assessment, click here.